IN DUTCH AND ENGLISH, Curated by poet and philosopher David Whyte
At its essence, to live is to be forever departing or arriving, asking or answering. To be a pilgrim is to exist, convene, and converse within the valleys that form between these opposing peaks. To be a pilgrim is to choose curiosity and to embrace uncertainty that aggregates in the subconscious. Through his poetry that sings in the language of reality, David Whyte, wanderer and guest curator of this issue, ignites both internal and external dialogues. So feast upon places, chew on questions and indulge in the richest of stories you might never have encountered. May this issue be an endless journey, carrying you from where you are now, past your own frontiers, to the person you have yet to meet.
Six pilgrims bring us along on their journeys. The ‘why’ behind their quests varies from soul to soul. Mountain climber Wasfia Nazreen has faced the world’s highest peaks to connect to the ‘true identity of the mountain’. Nomadic artist Sven Signe paces his life to rhythms outside the status quo. Pierre H. Brinker explores what it means to exist in a body as it moves through sickness. Artist Agnes Denes is no longer able to travel but the seeds of her art carry across the world. Naïma Asouaguia’s pilgrimage to Mecca reinvigorated her faith, while nuclear disarmament activist Satish Kumar walked for peace.
In wezen is het leven een voortdurend vertrekken en aankomen, vragen en antwoorden. Een pelgrim zijn betekent bestaan, samenkomen en converseren in de valleien die zich vormen tussen deze tegengestelde pieken. Een pelgrim zijn betekent kiezen voor de nieuwsgierigheid en onzekerheid die zich in het onderbewuste verzamelen. Met zijn poëzie die zingt in de taal van de werkelijkheid, wakkert David Whyte, reiziger en gastcurator van dit nummer, onze interne en externe dialogen aan. Dus laaf je aan plekken, overdenk vragen en laat je meevoeren door de verhalen die je misschien nooit eerder bent tegengekomen. Mag dit nummer een eindeloze reis zijn die je meeneemt van waar je nu bent, voorbij je eigen grenzen, tot aan de persoon die je nog moet ontmoeten.
Zes pelgrims nemen ons mee op hun reis. Bergbeklimmer Wasfia Nazreen beklom 's werelds hoogste toppen om zich te verbinden met de 'ware identiteit van de berg'. Nomadisch kunstenaar Sven Signe laat zich leiden door ritmes buiten de status quo. Pierre H. Brinker verkent wat het betekent om in een lichaam te bestaan terwijl het door ziekte wordt geraakt. Kunstenaar Agnes Denes is niet langer in staat om te reizen, maar de zaden van haar kunst gaan de hele wereld over. Naïma Asouaguia's pelgrimstocht naar Mekka gaf haar geloof een nieuwe verdieping, terwijl activist en voormalig monnik Satish Kumar de wereld over wandelde voor vrede.
In convo with Rich Roll, Out now, wherever podcasts are avail. Click here for YouTube version.
In convo with Raghu Markus for Mindrolling at Be Here Now Network.
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#EmbraceEquity in collaboration with IFC.
FOWLER, WHO YOU GOT? Season 6 with Mountaineer & Trailblazer Wasfia Nazreen
Interview with GQ France.
TIME TO WALK with Wasfia Nazreen: An Apple Series, only on Fitness+.
BE HERE NOW: Nina Rao speaks with Wasfia Nazreen about her adventures as a mountaineer, her friendship with the Dalai Lama, her work as an activist, and how she climbed her own inner mountains.
No Boundaries avail for pre-order now, ships Feb 1st, 2022.
Bruce Lee Podcast EP. 204: Flowing with Wasfia Nazreen
Also available wherever Podcasts exist.
Jai Dev Show Podcast, EP. 27 | Reaching our Highest Summits with Wasfia Nazreen: Apple | Spotify
The Orbital Perspective Podcast, EP. 1 hosted by Astronaut Ron Garan: Spotify | Apple
Although western countries refer to the highest mountain of the planet as Mount Everest, locally the mountain is known by its Nepali name Sagarmatha, meaning “mother of all oceans” and in Tibetan as Chomolungma, roughly meaning “goddess mother of the universe.”
She Explores Podcast, EP. 134 Climbing Our Own Mountains
In partnership with Sherpa Adventure Gear, guest host Laura Hughes interviews Wasfia Nazreen—mountaineer, activist, and writer—to learn about her journey up each of the Seven Summits, what it was like to be the first person from Bangladesh to do it, and how approaching external mountains in our lives mirror the personal work it takes to summit our internal ones. Also avail on Apple & Spotify.